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What will the forum cover?

The forum will address two overarching topics in panel discussions, workshops, networking sessions, practical demonstrations and exhibitions.

  • Young people and Europe’s future
  • Europe’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic

As well as these two umbrella topics, we also expect the Forum to address six distinct themes.

A human rights oriented digital age

  • Can artificial intelligence be human-centric and human rights based? Is it possible? If so, how?
  • How can we foster a safe society and boosting security protecting human rights?
  • How can we most effectively fight online discrimination, bias and disinformation?

Social rights are human rights

  • How can human rights deal with the environment crisis?
  • How can we build fairer and equal societies amidst growing inequalities?
  • How we guarantee access to quality education and lifelong learning?

Fighting hate and discrimination

  • How do we combat hate, discrimination and foster inclusive and cohesive societies?
  • How can we effectively promote diversity and core EU values?
  • How can we debunk myths and foster social inclusion?

Strengthening human rights practice

  • How can we raise awareness on the Fundamental Rights Charter and foster a stronger culture of values in the EU?
  • How can we protect and support human rights defenders and practitioners?
  • How can we articulate and strengthen positive human rights narratives?

People on the move

  • Which are the main migration, asylum and integration challenges we face? What responses do we need?
  • What should human rights compliant policies for migration and asylum look like?
  • How to achieve successful integration of migrants? How to foster their participation in society?

Defending the rule of law and securing access to justice

  • How do we strengthen and support access to justice for the most vulnerable?
  • How should we better protect victims of crime?
  • How can Europe rebuild trust and uphold the rule of law?
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