Do we intend to transfer your personal data to Third Countries/International Organizations
What security measure are taken to safeguard your personal data?
FRA is responsible for the overall organisation of the event. For that reason FRA is organising a call for sessions proposals inviting in a targeted way potential contributors to submit a proposal via the Forum 2021 website. These sessions will run in parallel during the Forum as live or recorded online events - panel debates, presentations, discussions, etc. The call for proposals aims to open the floor and provide space for proposals of hybrid/virtual sessions by organisations from the human rights sector, civil society, social partners etc. These Forum sessions hosts/contributors are given the opportunity and the responsibility to implement single sessions or an entire strand of sessions.
Session hosts will be listed with their name in the Forum programme. Proposals for sessions are on ‘invitation only’ basis by the FRA, and to be detailed by potential contributors in the ‘form for submitting proposals for sessions’.
The purpose of the processing of personal data is handling the call for proposal of sessions for the Fundamental Rights Forum taking place on 11-12 October.
We will collect only the following general personal data necessary for the processing operation described above:
Name, surname, email, phone number, affiliated organization and position, photo and biography.
Personal data will be collected through the following means:
Via the website:
And by email:, visitors of the website can sign up for a pre-registration list and be ‘first in line when registrations at the platform opens.
The Agency is the legal entity responsible for the processing of your personal data and determines the objective of this processing activity. The Head of Communication and Events department is responsible for this processing operation.
The processing operations on personal data linked to the organization, management, follow – up and promotion of the event is necessary for the management and functioning of the Agency. FRA is tasked with promoting dialogue with civil society under Article 4(1)(h) of its founding regulation (EC) 168/2007. Therefore, the processing is lawful under Article 5(a) of the Regulation (EU) No 2018/1725.
In addition, since the participation in the call for proposal of sessions is not mandatory, the processing of the personal data is also in accordance with Article 5(d) of Regulation (EU) No 2018/1725.
Access to your data is granted to authorised staff of FRA and service providers bound by confidentiality clauses, involved in the organisation of the event, without prejudice to a possible transmission to the bodies in charge of a monitoring or inspection task in accordance with Union legislation.
Neither FRA nor its service providers share personal data with third parties for direct marketing.
Personal data is processed by FRA via TIPIK Communication Agency as the data processor, which supports the call for proposal of sessions and later on the registration and the logistics of the organisation of the hybrid event through a framework contract with DG SCIC and a specific contract with FRA.
We will start the processing operation on 2 March 2021.
Personal data related to the call for proposal of sessions will be retained by FRA for a maximum of one year after the end of the event, that is 12 October 2022.
Photos, audio and video recordings are stored in FRA Communication and events Unit drive for three years. Within this time, the files to be used for communication purposes and/or be archived for historical purposes shall be selected. The remaining files shall be deleted.
Information concerning the event on the FRA corporate website will be retained for 10 years.
Under Regulation 2018/1725, you have rights we need to make you aware of. The rights available to you depend on our reason for processing your information. You are not required to pay any charges for exercising your rights except in cases were the requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive character.
We will reply to your request without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests.
You can exercise your rights described below by sending an email request to
Participation in the call for proposal of sessions is not mandatory. By proposing a session you give your consent to the processing of your data. Yet, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, and we will delete your data or restrict its processing. All processing operations up until the withdrawal of consent will still be lawful.
The Agency has several security controls in place to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. We keep your data stored on our internal servers with limited access to a specified audience only.
The first step is to notify the Agency by sending an email to and ask us to take action.
The second step, if you obtain no reply from us or if you are not satisfied with it, contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at
At any time you can lodge a complaint with the EDPS at, who will examine your request and adopt the necessary measures.
We keep our privacy notice under regular review to make sure it is up to date and accurate.